1) First you download this driver and install it. Download
2) Then, open Device Manager. Right Click at display driver with yellow sign and choose Update Driver.
3) From the pop up box choose "Browse my comp. for driver software". Then "Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my comp." then click the "Have disk..." button and click "Browse..."
4) by default the ati drivers will be in C:\ATI folder, so browse to this folder. "C:\ATI\SUPPORT\9-8_legacy_vista32-64_dd_ccc\Packages\Drivers\Display\LH_INF".
5) and choose this file - CL_85694.inf. Then click Ok. From the box you choose ATI RADEON XPRESS 200 Series. Then click Next. You will get the warning, just ignore and click Yes.
6) Last, restart your Laptop then walla~ (^^,)V